Vicente Giner Marco

Dr. Vicente Giner Marco

Internal medicine

CV Médicos con centros Vicente Giner Marco

General Information

Internal Medicine and Oncology

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in June 1970. Faculty of Medicine of Valencia.
Doctorate courses, course 1971-72
Doctoral Thesis entitled: "Study of systolic intervals in diabetics without clinical heart disease" defended on March 9, 1984 with the grade of outstanding Cum Laude.

Assistant Professor of practical classes, assigned to General Pathology, at the Faculty of Medicine of Valencia, from October 1980 to September 1982.
Medical associate professor, assigned to the Department of Medicine, at the Dr. Peset Hospital, from February 1988 to June 1994.
Associate Professor of General Pathology, Clinical Practice at the Faculty of Meditation of the Catholic University of Valencia, since October 2011.

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CV Médicos con centros Vicente Giner Marco

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