The Quirónsalud Foundation supports the preservation of fertility in cancer patients

The Quirónsalud Foundation supports the preservation of fertility in cancer patients

June 29, 2018
Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia
Assisted reproduction unit

The program has been promoted by these health centers due to the increasingly younger ages in which certain types of cancer are manifested and the possibilities of curing and remission of the disease thanks to the advanced treatments applied.

The objective of this action is to make available to oncological patients the advances that reproductive medicine is taking place, especially in oocyte tissue cryobiology, gametes and embryos in the matter of fertility preservation and guarantee them the possibility of being mothers and fathers after your recovery.

How cancer treatments affect fertility

Although cancer treatments have advanced to the point of causing fewer side effects to patients, radiation therapy and chemotherapy can still affect fertility. In addition, the surgical treatment on the reproductive organs can partially or totally affect fertility.

While the most frequent causes of fertility problems in men who overcome cancer are chemotherapy and radiotherapy, both treatments that cause damage to the semen, in the case of women their fertility can be further affected by any other treatment damage immature ovules, which decontrol the hormonal balance of the body or injure the reproductive organs.

What preservation techniques does the program offer?

The free program of preservation of fertility to oncological patients of Quirónsalud consists of a vitrification treatment, in the case of women, thanks to which their ovules will be preserved at very low temperature but without freezing thanks to an extreme elevation of the viscosity during the cooling performed at high speed. These oocytes are protected and submerged in liquid nitrogen to ensure their correct conservation. In the case of the male, the center offers the freezing of seminal samples to keep in liquid nitrogen (at -196ºC) so that it can be stored without a time limit in optimal conditions.

How to benefit from the preservation program

The oncological patient who wishes to preserve his gametes, prior to his treatment, should inform his specialist that he will send it as a priority to his Assisted Reproduction Institute Quirónsalud Valencia and Quirónsalud Dexeus Murcia where he will be attended before 48 hours. There they will inform you about the following steps to follow in order to proceed with the preservation of fertility, as well as on the techniques of assisted reproduction to be carried out after the oncological treatment.

Fertility preservation treatment will be carried out free of charge in the Quirónsalud de Quirónsalud Valencia and Quirónsalud Dexeus Murcia centers, as well as the maintenance cost over five years of the preserved gametes whose financing will be borne by the Quirónsalud Foundation. Once the oncological treatment is completed and the necessary time has elapsed according to the medical criteria, the patient will be able to undergo an assisted reproduction treatment using their preserved gametes.

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