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Test genético de prevención de enfermedades tromboembólicas

¿A quién va dirigido?

Recomendado a todas aquellas personas con antecedentes familiares de trombosis o que ya la han sufrido. También a mujeres embarazadas o que han sufrido abortos repetidas veces, mujeres que están planeando tomar anticonceptivos u otro tratamiento hormonal o personas con obesidad, diabetes, lupus o infección vírica.

¿En qué consiste?

Este test incluye el análisis de 15 variantes genéticas de 11 genes responsables de diferentes factores de coagulación.

  1. Te extraeremos una simple muestra de sangre.
  2. En tan sólo 15 días tendrás los resultados del análisis

¿Por qué es recomendable realizarse el test?

El 70% de las personas que tienen tendencia a formar coágulos de sangre, lo desconoce. Este test permite identificar el riesgo a padecer trombosis o ictus y así tomar las medidas preventivas necesarias, aplicando el tratamiento farmacológico adecuado o evitando las situaciones de riesgo. Incluso en los casos de abortos recurrentes, podría disminuir considerablemente la probabilidad de volver a abortar.

La Agencia Europea del Medicamento (AEM) recomienda hacer este estudio genético antes de la toma de anticonceptivos ya que estos pueden provocar ictus en las personas con riesgo.

Genetic test for thrombolic-disease prevention

Who is it for?

Recommended for everyone with a family history of thrombosis and those who have already had a venous thrombosis. This test is also suitable for pregnant women and women who have had repeated miscarriages; women planning to start taking contraceptive or another hormone treatment; and people with obesity, diabetes, lupus, or a viral infection.

What does it involve?

This test screens for 15 variants in 11 genes responsible for different coagulation factors.

  1. All we need is a simple blood test.
  2. You’ll have your test results in just 2 weeks.

Why is it advisable to have this test done?

70% of people who are prone to blood clots are unaware that they are at risk. This genetic test determines an individual’s risk of developing thrombosis or stroke so they may take the appropriate preventive measures, which may involve drug therapy or limiting their exposure to risk factors. Indeed, women with a history of repeated miscarriages can considerably reduce their risk of having another.

The European Medicines Agency recommends having this test before starting to take contraceptive pills, as going on the pill can cause stroke in people at risk.
This test is outsourced to an external laboratory, which will assume liability over the test results and the information on these results given to patients.

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ENGLISH FLYER GENÉTICA (206 KB ) (2 páginas)