Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia has started the first unit specialised in hand and upper limb rehabilitation, the first with these characteristics in Valencia private healthcare. The unit, headed by Doctor Eva Guisasola, a specialist with our Rehabilitation Service, will work in conjunction with the Traumatology Service, in order to start the specific physiotherapy indicated for each patient as soon as possible, and offer the best result in the treatment of this type of lesion.

All upper limb pathologies are candidates for rehabilitation treatment, sometimes with the goal of avoiding or delaying as much as possible a surgical intervention and, in other cases, as a perfect complement for surgery, in order to achieve the best functional results. As Doctor Guisasola states, "rehabilitation will help us, in the first place, to control the pain and inflammation that are common after an intervention, and then to achieve a full functional recovery. We can’t forget the important role that rehabilitation plays in preparing for a speedy return to work and sports activities."

Manual therapy is one of the fundamental pillars for hand pathologies, and the upper limb in general, "for this," explains the Doctor, " the unit has perfectly qualified physiotherapies whose manual therapies are complemented with mechanotherapy and electrotherapy, indicated for osteomuscular and nerve lesions."

As for recovery times, the specialists points out that, "there are no certain recovery times; what experience has proven is that, in order to obtain a good functional result and return to usual life as soon as possible, you need the intervention of a qualified team, and a quick referral from the surgeon."

Specialists in the Minimally Invasive Approach

Within the service, the use of the arthroscopic approach for different joint pathologies stands out, led by Doctor Vicente Carratalá, Coordinator of the Service and Head of Hand and Upper Limb Surgery, which enables the repair of lesions through small incisions, with the help of a camera only 2.5 millimetres in diameter, working from within to diagnose and treat anything from fractures to ligament injuries, cartilage lesions, etc. Among its multiple advantages, Doctor Carratalá highlights "a quicker recovery, with less pain for the patient, as well as the cure and diagnosis of a large number of pathologies that used to be under-diagnosed and often received the wrong treatment."

Especialistas en el abordaje mínimamente invasivo

Dentro del servicio destaca el abordaje artroscópico de las diferentes patologías articulatorias liderado por el doctor Vicente Carratalá, coordinador del servicio y responsable de Cirugía de Mano y Miembro Superior, que permite afrontar las lesiones de las articulaciones a través de pequeñas incisiones y con la ayuda de una cámara de apenas 2,5 milímetros de diámetro, trabajar en el interior para diagnosticar y tratar desde fracturas hasta lesiones de ligamentos, lesiones del cartílago, etc. Entre sus múltiples beneficios, el doctor Carratalá destaca "una recuperación más rápida y con menos dolor para el paciente así como la curación y diagnóstico de un gran número de patolog