• ACualipo: traditional techniques to reduce and improve the appearance of the abdomen, now incorporated in Quirónsalud Valencia, and exclusively, ACualipo, a new and revolutionary Liposuction that allows more defined results, with better post-operative and also adds another advantage on other techniques, the extracted fat is of so much quality, that it allows its injection in another area of ​​the body and/or the face to increase volumes, eliminate asymmetries or simply, to improve the appearance of the skin.
  • Laser Lipolysis: This procedure is a good ally against cellulite and extra weight. Through liposuction with laser technology or Laser Lipolysis other parts of the body can be sculpted in addition to the abdomen while having lower risks and obtaining excellent results. It is a perfect method to eliminate or reduce localized fat, less invasive than traditional ones and with minimal postoperative periods. The results are immediate cutaneous reduction and firmness.
  • Abdominoplasty: localized accumulations of fat in the abdominal region are accompanied by surplus skin and/or an exaggerated distension of muscle structures, caused mainly by pregnancy, rapid gains and losses of weight, etc. In these cases, in which the scant or nonexistent recovery of these containment structures (musculature and skin) is foreseeable, abdominoplasty in a single therapeutic act, resolves the excess of fat and skin tissue in the region. In addition, if combined with ACualipo in the flank area and to extract the abdominal fat itself, we can tighten the waist and give a better harmony to the silhouette.
  • Miniabdominoplasty: option for the treatment of excess fat and skin in patients whose figure has suffered some alteration secondary to pregnancy, weight loss, flaccidity secondary to age, etc ... This technique allows tightening of the abdominal tissues without the need to mobilize the navel of position, obtaining shorter scars, and can be complemented with Liposculpture to harmonize the abdominal contour and the flanks.
  • Liposculpture: one of the best known and used techniques so far to redifine the body contour that now presents a further step if combined with ACualipo. The Liposculpture with ACualipo allows to return the harmony to the body in two phases, first extracting the excess fat and second, using the own fat, to give more volume where it is required. All this with a better post operative, being less traumatic for tissues, more natural results and with the same, or more safety in the operating room.