Adult Accident & Emergency

The Accident & Emergency Service at Hospital Quirónsalud Valencia is responsible for providing integral urgent care to adults, 24 hours a day.

The medical attention is provided by following action protocols and clinical practice guides from scientific societies, aided by the new radiological technologies, and the performance of the medical and surgical procedures required for the patient’s problems.

To ensure that the medical-surgical care we provide is of high quality, we put together a team of professionals who:

  • Maintain a physical presence, 24 hours a day.
  • Collaborate with specialists from GENERAL SURGERY, RADIOLOGY, TRAUMATOLOGYand other medical-surgical specialisations.
  • Have access to an EMERGENCY LABORATORY, SONOGRAM, CAT SCAN and NMRI, among other forms of complementary diagnosis tools.
  • Are permanently updating their skills and knowledge through the organisation and attendance to different educational and scientific events.

Paediatric Accident & Emergency

Our Paediatric Accident & Emergency Unit has physicians specialised in paediatrics, capable of interpreting concrete signs, symptoms, treatments and consequences/prognoses associated to childhood diseases.

The Paediatric Accident & Emergency Service acts in the following way:

  • Diagnosing and treating acute illnesses.
  • Stabilising patients that require it before proceeding to admit, in case this is necessary, or discharge them.
  • Carrying out the hospital admission of the patient and controlling his or her evolution in the hospitalisation ward. All discharged patients will receive a medical report for their paediatrician.
  • In case a child does not have a paediatrician, we offer our general paediatrics and sub-specialisation consultations, provided by the same specialists that are on call in the Accident & Emergency and hospitalisation wards.
  • Paediatric emergencies with no pain, thanks to different procedures, such as virtual reality goggles, that help reduce anxiety in children.

Localised Gynaeco-Obstetric Emergencies

Our Gynaecological and Obstetric Emergency Unit is made up of reputable specialists capable of acting in the face of any situation or event related to gynaecological illnesses or pregnancy.