Specialists of Chirónsalud Alicante advise taking preventive measures to avoid ear injuries during the mascletàs

Specialists of Chirónsalud Alicante advise taking preventive measures to avoid ear injuries during the mascletàs

June 19, 2019
Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja
ENT medicine

Exposure to intense noise such as that produced by the mascletàs without taking the necessary precautions can cause injuries in the middle and inner ear, as stated by Dr. Irene Monjas, coordinator of the Otorhinolaryngology Service of Quirónsalud Alicante.

Otic damage induced by noise is related to two factors: sound intensity and exposure time. "If we consider that from 80dB we can have lesions in our ears," explains Dr. Monjas, "and in the mascletàs the sound can reach 120-130 dB, it is logical to think that we are exposing our ears to acoustic trauma. that can have important consequences. "

These damages can be caused on the one hand by the shock wave or the sudden variation of the pressure, and on the other, by the noise that follows the wave. As for the shock wave, mascletás can cause injuries mainly in the middle ear, such as tympanic ruptures, fractures or ossicular dislocations. "Sometimes, if the pressure variation is very abrupt, it can even affect endolabyrinthic structures directly or indirectly, which would explain a small percentage of balance disorders associated with sound traumas," the specialist explains. As for noise, it is capable of producing injuries in the inner ear by destroying endocochlear structures. "These are direct mechanical injuries that lead to the death of nerve cells responsible for hearing," he says.

Regarding the symptoms, these damages usually manifest themselves with acoustic traumatisms such as hearing loss that is usually of sudden onset and of a severe grade for at least the first minutes, accompanied by a tinnitus. "These symptoms can disappear over time and be only temporary or, on the contrary, can cause irreversible tinnitus and hearing loss. In addition, if the damage occurs in the middle ear, we can find symptoms such as pain, otorrhagia or balance disturbances, adds the otorhinolaryngologist.

The team of otorhinolaryngologists of Quirónsalud Alicante, composed of doctors Irene Monjas, Andreina Betancourt and Ana Jóver, proposes to stay at a safe distance from safety, perform maneuvers such as opening the mouth or yawning to favor the balance between the pressures on both sides of the eardrum, in addition to protecting the ears with plugs to help muffle the noise and reduce the decibels that reach the ear. These measures are especially important for those who suffer from previous hearing loss or chronic diseases of the middle or inner ear

The doctor advises, in the case of noticing any of the symptoms, consult with your otorhinolaryngologist to perform an exploration, assess if there are damages and try early treatment.

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