Guillermo Cañigral Ferrando
Guillermo Cañigral Ferrando

Dr. Guillermo Cañigral Ferrando

Hematology and hemotherapy

CV Médicos con centros Guillermo Cañigral Ferrando


1977 - Acquisition of the Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia
1977/79 - Medical resident of the specialty of Hematology and Hemotherapy in the Health City La Fe of Valencia, obtained by competition-opposition.
1980 - Title of Medical Specialist in Hematology and Hemotherapy.
1988 - Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Alicante with the qualification of Outstanding unanimously.
1992 - Degree of Doctor by the University of Alicante obtained with the qualification of Apto Cum Laude.

  • Title of Managerial Management for Heads of Service during the academic year 1985-86 in the school of Senior Management and Administration of Barcelona (E.A.D.A.) obtaining the qualification in the final project of Outstanding.
  • Deputy Medical: In the Manuel Lois de Huelva Healthcare Residence by competition - opposition since 1980.
  • Head of Section: In the Sanitary Residence Virgen de los Lirios de Alcoy by opposition contest since 1981.
  • Medical Address: From the Virgen de los Lirios Hospital of Alcoy by free appointment from January 1984 to February 1985.
  • Head of Service of the Transfusion Center of Alicante, obtained by opposition contest from December 16, 1988 until March 31, 1992.
  • Temporary appointment of Medical Director in Service Commission in the Transfusion Center of Castellón from April 1, 1992 until February 28, 1993.
  • Head of the Hematology and Hemotherapy Service: From the General Hospital of Castellón by competition-opposition from March 1, 1993 to the present.

  • 150 communications presented at national and international conferences.
  • 32 articles published in national and international specialized journals.
  • 4 chapters of specialized books at national level.
  • President of the Organizing Committee of the National Congress of Hematology of the year 1999.
  • Organizer and Director of 12 courses of Hematology at the National level.
  • Organization of multiple scientific events at community and national level.

  • Member of the Technical Advisory Group of Clinical Analysis of the Valencian Community for the specialty of Hematology and Hemotherapy, appointed by the Conseller de Sanidad y Consum.
  • Member of the Consensus Group for the Catalog of Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques in Hematology from April 1997 to the present.
  • Free appointment by the Health Minister of the Commission of control of the humanization plan of the Valencian Community since January 2004.

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CV Médicos con centros Guillermo Cañigral Ferrando

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