laser_ginecologico_quironsalud_marbella_weblaser_ginecologico_quironsalud_marbella_webQuirónsalud Marbella Hospital has announced the recent acquisition of a last-generation vaginal laser solution. The new technology has been added to the medical treatment portfolio of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit and its application provides a comprehensive solution to pathologies relating to women’s intimate health at all the stages of their lives.

The Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit, Dr Isabel María Blanco Herráez explained "Our speciality has begun to use laser technology in recent years, which has certainly been revolutionary for us, as it offers the possibility to have many different treatments for a very wide age range. This technology is suitable to treat female pathologies in women during their reproductive years, after childbirth and during the years previous and subsequent to menopause".

Our expert assures that the indications of this laser technology are many and it provides a solution to functional problems that affect a wide segment of the female population, such as vaginal atrophy and vaginal dryness, loss of vaginal elasticity after childbirth or during menopause, urinary incontinence (mild or moderate incontinence), condylomas and vulvar warts. It even provides specific cosmetic treatments, as it can be applied in vaginal rejuvenation.

"It is an increasing trend in our consultations for women to ask their gynaecologists about these issues that affect their intimate lives and consequently have a negative impact on their quality of life", highlighted Dr Blanco.

Safe, harmless and effective technology

One of the main advantages of vaginal laser technology is that is does not require the use of anaesthetics nor previous preparation, as it is applied in the clinic during 15-minute sessions. "It is not an invasive technique and it is safe, harmless, fast, painless and effective. These aspects are the base for its consolidation as an alternative to traditional surgical procedures. Additionally, it does not have secondary effects and the patient can return to her everyday life a few hours after her treatment", highlighted the gynaecologist at Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

Natural tissue regeneration

The vaginal laser raises the temperature in the area, naturally activating collagen production. Tissue activation causes the regeneration of the vaginal canal providing it with flexibility and elasticity, increasing lubrication and strengthening the structure of the ligaments around the bladder.